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Get to Director - Build a perfect promotion campaign

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Enrollment Open Soon

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• You see colleagues and friends move up the career ladder, but your progress is slower.

• You feel you have lots to offer your employer, but leaders can’t see it clearly.

• You are a top performer, but don’t get the compensation you deserve

• You see others getting promoted, but you don’t know how they are managing it

• You hear about others who get opportunities from senior leaders, but you can’t seem to break into the upper circle

If you identify with any of the above, keep reading 👇

What You’ll Get

When you enroll, you get access to 3 things, all-inclusive of the one-time signup fee:

1. An instructor led cohort course (limited to 5 participants),

2. recordings available forever for replay

3. two live workshops to create a written promotion plan and supporting materials for communication with you manager, and referees.

🎓   The Cohort Course

Every month, you have the option to join the main cohort course: Build a Perfect Promotion Campaign. This course is based on my 25 years in the technology business. In this time, I’ve worked with countless successful individuals, and have seen over 1000 failed initially to land their dream promotion. Therefore, I tapped into my knowledge and evaluation of each case to develop this course to give you the insider tricks and tips to help you secure your promotion.

We will meet for 3 sessions  weeks over Zoom, where I’ll present the core ideas and we’ll discuss how to apply them. I limit each cohort to 5 people to ensure a high level of interaction. There will be no required reading. Everything you’ll need to learn is delivered during the live sessions. This will be a very information-dense program. The first session lays out the material and process. The second session creates the communication material for managers and referees. The third session is used to create the promotion document that you will use to base your director case on. In these sessions, we check progress and take questions cohort members have specific to their situation.

I repeat the course every month at different times of the day so that it covers every time zone. You are free to join any cohort where there is free space, and if you miss a session, you can join a later cohort. All sessions are recorded and available forever.


• Cohort size:  5 people.

• Sessions: 3x live Zoom sessions over the course of 3 weeks.

• Session length: 1 hours + optional after hours.

• Content availability: All live sessions are recorded and available forever.

• Instructor: Mark Greville (markgreville.ie)


❖ STEP 1: The Introduction

❖ STEP 2: Understanding a Typical Promotion Process

❖ STEP 3: The Six-Step Guide to Planning Your Promotion

❖ STEP 4: Tips and Tricks, and Mistakes to Avoid

❖ STEP 5: Walking through getting support from your manager and referees

❖ STEP 6: Generating a written plan, and a promotion document that will serve as your promotion artefact

🍸  What you need to understand about promotions: Understanding the time/learning tradeoff. A case study on how to waste 7 years of a career. The difference between passive learning and taking action. The hard truths you need to be familiar with working in any organisation. Are climbing the wrong ladder?

🌲  What really happens in a promotion deliberation: Perception of what goes on is not reality. Who decides on promotions? Formal processes. Semi formal processes. What you need to create a promotion pack. Why HR should never prepare your case. The vital role support material plays. How decision makers are looking after their own skins. The hidden 50% or above rule.

🏕️  6 steps to guide to planning the perfect promotion strategy: How to qualify your role, Getting your manager on your side, why getting your boss promoted is the best tactic, How to spot the warning signs, Instead of pushing yourself, get pulled up from above, The secret power of ERGs, Excel at your job, but not too much, the best dont rise to the top, behaviours necessary for the next level

🏆  Tips and tricks hard learned: Everything is change, and will change. Do the job you want to get, passive actions versus active actions, Climbing the right ladder, How to know when you are in the wrong company

☂️  Mistakes to avoid: Applying too early.Evaluation mistakes, making sure you are listening, manager issues, eye on the wrong ball.

About your Instructor

With decades of experience in the world of promotions under my belt, I’ve been on the exact journey you’re currently navigating, but I also have experience “on the other side”.

Having both missed and been promoted many times in the first decade of my career, I moved to Bank of America. Aside from running EMEA tech groups, I was part of the director promotion committee in technology and operations for 7 years. I chaired it for 2. I saw thousands of failures and hundreds of successes. Now, I work as a tech executive for a billion dollar business (Workhuman), and have witnessed almost every mistake made by those trying to land a promotion.

My unique insider knowledge of the promotion process means you’ll learn the secrets of exactly what committees are looking for. And my invaluable expertise can help you become a senior manager, technology director or executive, earning at least 20% more than your current role.

Learn more about me here http://markgreville.ie/

What Others Say

Stephen A - Global Division Head- Finance:'"I met Mark at the very beginning of my career, and in retrospect, I was very lucky. Mark had a unique way of explaining how to plan my career and get the most out of it. I have been very successful in my career due to hard work and perseverance. Marks guidance and advice was also very helpful to me in planning out my career, and in helping me make the right moves. I still stay in touch with Mark and look for his advice."

Andrea - Manager - FAANG - "I first encountered Mark before I had worked in a technical role. He introduced me to a career in technology and helped guide and mentor me through my transition from individual contributor to manager. He has phenomenal experience in promotions, and this course will be a gift to anyone hoping to learn how to get ahead. I still leverage the advice Mark gave me through mentoring when I just began my career in tech. With all my teams, I seek to recreate the culture that Mark so easily imbued within his teams. Mark brings his wealth of experience to every conversation and is excellent at creating a solid coaching plan, to enable a successful promotion.".

Richard - SVP of Product Engineering - FinTech - “Mark is highly accomplished and one of the few people I know who can both manage downwards and upwards successfully within an organisation. He understands how to manage stakeholders in complex environments as well as how to get the best outcome for them and his teams. This, coupled with his understanding of promotion processes and how people get measured, makes this course invaluable to anyone looking to move seamlessly through the ranks in their chosen career.”

Saptarshi - Director - FAANG adjacent -"I worked for Mark for a number of years earlier in my career. He helped me see my career as a journey, and showed me how to plan a career for my long term benefit. He guided me through my own promotion processes and helped me understand how they worked at a very detailed level. I would say he is an expert in careers and promotions, and i wish everyone had the advantage of Marks advice for their career. Im glad i had".

Cormac - Senior technology consultant - FAANG - "Mark is one of the best sounding boards I've ever met in terms of career advice. His experience is on another level when it comes to understanding careers and promotions ,and his friendly manner mean its easy to understand and take action on the advice. I wish I had someone like Mark to advise me when I was developing my career - this course will be a phenomenal tool for anyone developing theirs. "

Stephen C - Director - Fintech - "Having worked with Mark over an extended period of time, I know him to be a true technology visionary. In my 30+ years of my career in Finance Services, I have seldom come across anyone with his combination of breadth of understanding and ability to impart knowledge. But more than that, Mark has a true gift of combining this with patience and empathy, making him one of the true leaders of his profession."

Morgan - Senior Manager - University Sector - "Mark’s incomparable positive and visionary attitude has played a huge influence in my professional life. As a manager, I’ve witnessed him motivate his team to achieve great levels of success. He has a very clear and comprehensive way of delivering relevant information and his insight into subjects that might fall outside of the immediate remit is remarkable. I’ve seen him manage projects from beginning to end while always treating each person he works with, irrespective of their grade/position with the same respect and dignity. He’s very accomplished in many different sectors and he has always transferred his skills effectively. Mark has a very distinctive energy that encourages others to work well. This level of energy is infectious and sets a very constructive tone to work within. As someone who works in the university sector, I have no doubt that this course will be a massive success.

Saurav - Senior Tech consultant - Algo trading - "Mark, as a Senior Director, hired me as a Senior Developer in his team in a Tier 1 bank and I worked directly under him. Under his able guidance and mentorship, I transitioned from senior contributor to leading global teams. I learnt how to be successful in a global organisation, and find the right balance and attention to both the technical and team management skills. Mark has a natural knack of finding and picking the best of talents and them grooming them - no wonder under his able leadership many highly successful teams in the bank emerged and thrived. He was able to bring me back to the bank and we worked together for 7 years. I have known Mark for more than 12 years and though we have moved to different organisations and countries. But he is my goto person for seeking advice for a job/role change, or insights into the global technical perspectives and direction, or advice on higher Studies, or on how to advance my career. I say this with humility and confidence that I have not met a leader like Mark in my 20 years of experience, who has such an exquisite balance of high EQ and IQ. If I could add another term high MQ & TQ (Market and Technology quotient). He is not only a gifted Global Technology leader, but a life long student himself, a PhD Scholar, musician, writer, singer, artist, top quizzer and possesses many other hidden talents."

Ricardo - Senior Engineer - FAANG Adjacent - "Mark Greville, my former manager at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, exhibited an extraordinary ability for active listening, which enabled him to genuinely grasp and attend to the unique career aspirations and needs of his team, profoundly influencing my own professional development. I still stay in touch and discuss career moves with him, 10 years after we stopped working together"

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Last updated Aug 17, 2023

Get to Director - Build a Perfect Promotion Campaign. As you know, landing a promotion isn’t a simple process. Therefore, learning how to navigate and master this process requires several steps to achieve success. The course curriculum looks like this: ❖ STEP 1: The Introduction ❖ STEP 2: Understanding a Typical Promotion Process ❖ STEP 3: The Six-Step Guide to Planning Your Promotion ❖ STEP 4: Tips and Tricks, and Mistakes to Avoid This framework could be the solution that helps you achieve your promotion. Your promotion could secure you a 20k raise. That’s 600k over 20 years. 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee. You cant lose - give it a try now before the next cohort fills up.

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Get to Director - Build a perfect promotion campaign

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